
Google announces Cilium & eBPF as the new networking dataplane for GKE
Aug 19, 2020

Google announces Cilium & eBPF as the new networking dataplane for GKE

Today marks an exciting day for the Cilium community and all Cilium contributors, Google just announced that Cilium has been selected and made available as the new datapath for GKE and Anthos.In this post, we will take a look behind the scenes that lead up to this.

最Cool Kubernetes网络方案Cilium入门
May 04, 2020

最Cool Kubernetes网络方案Cilium入门

现代数据中心的应用系统已经逐渐转向基于微服务架构的开发体系,一个微服务架构的应用系统是由多个小的独立的服务组成,它们之间通过轻量通信协议如 HTTP、gRPC、Kafka 等进行通信。微服务架构下的服务天然具有动态变化的特点,结合容器化部署,时常会引起大规模的容器实例启动或重启。要确保这种向高度动态化的微服务应用之间的安全可达,既是挑战,也是机遇。

User Story - How uses Cilium
Feb 05, 2020

User Story - How uses Cilium

This post provides the background on how [] uses Cilium and what lead the team to standardize on Cilium as their networking and network security platform for the years to come. It is a summary with some commentary of the original blog post by ArthurChiao from which provides extensive details into the decision-making process and experiences while running Cilium in production.

eBPF at Linux Plumbers 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
Aug 22, 2019

eBPF at Linux Plumbers 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

The Linux Plumbers Conference 2019 is coming up September 9-11 in Lisbon, Portugal. There are several tracks featuring eBPF related topics

Jun 24, 2019

License change and lack of attribution of Cilium eBPF code in Calico project

As with everything we do, we are fully transparent. As it becomes obvious that a simple resolution in this matter is not possible, we follow open source best practices and choose a public forum for the sake of transparency. It was brought to our attention that some of the new eBPF code committed to the Calico repository is violating the license of source code in the Cilium repository.

Cilium User Survey March 2019 - The Results
May 03, 2019

Cilium User Survey March 2019 - The Results

Back in March we have asked our users to provide feedback via our first ever user survey. Many of you have responded and the results are in!

Why MobiLabs switched to Cilium
Jan 22, 2019

Why MobiLabs switched to Cilium

Learn how Mobilabs switched to Cilium to improve network performance

Cilium @ GlueCon 2017 this Week!
May 22, 2017

Cilium @ GlueCon 2017 this Week!

The Cilium team is excited to be at GlueCon 2017 Wed + Thurs this week, just outside Denver, CO. GlueCon is a great developer-focused conference focused on APIs, containers, microservices, serverless, etc. We've enjoyed attending as individuals in the past, and are excited to be sponsoring this year!

Mar 29, 2017

Learn More About Cilium at KubeCon in Berlin!

This week the Cilium team is excited to be in the beautiful city of Berlin at KubeCon / CloudNativeCon EU!



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